Friday, October 17, 2014


A new disease that appeared in woozworld , it make you have blue skin , have beard and green eyes .
It is both for girls and boys.
Some people enjoy it by doing parties and this stuff and some doesn't .The ones who doesn't created a cure which works |(Jelly and water) The good thing it works and you get your normal look back but the bad thing about it is : 
1. Some people cant afford water and jelly.
2.If you restart or lost connection you get back to a zombie 
3.If you change your clothes you get back to your zombie look.



Green eyes

Blue skin
Thank you and sorry for the inactivity 

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Is Everyone Dead?!

Hey guys! If there is anyone who is still READING this blog. I'm wondering, WHERE DID THE BLOGGERS GO?! Hmm... Did they move to some outer space and becomes ZOMBIE ALIENS ?!?!?! Woah. I'm getting ahead of myself. Posting will probably be back SOOON!! Until then, *Cough* GO CHECK OUT MY CHANNEL <-!! BYE GUYS !!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Hey, Everyone!
   This picture took me days to edit and my computer is jacked up so I can't post pictures (using my mom's computer).

 Day at the Pool (Created using 
Luna Pic)

                                        (I'm good (terrible XD) at drawing woozens)
                                               (It has nothing to do with this, but i got her yesterday)


Friday, June 13, 2014

New Blogger

                Hi everybody,
I am a new blogger and a artist-in-training. I just joined the blog and I'm kind of new to this. So since I stay up until 6:00 I will be posting from time to time. Also I'm very excited to share my art and editing with you guys! 

Here are some things about me

1: I love art! It's my life!
2: I'm an excellent baker.
3: Editing is my kryptonite
4: My dream is to be a fashion designer, and an artist.
5: Last, but not least I <3 fashion and helping people


Saturday, June 7, 2014

A New Blogger?!

Hello Buddies! I'm A New Blogger Here! A Lot Of People Know Me As LifeIsRough. But I Like To Be Called Life! :O I Got The Chance To Be On This Amaze Balls Blog. xD So, A Little About Me? ;)

  1. I'm In Love With Fashion! :O
  2. I'm Quite The Singer ;) 
  3. I Love Punk Rock Music! C; 
  4. Writing Is Meh Thang. 
  5. I've Written 5 Books! -One Almost Published !! -
  6. My Birthday Is In 6 Days ! 
  7. I'm Currently 14, Turning 15! :O
  8. L-O-V-E Woozworld
  9. I Also Love Editing Pictures/Videos, It Just Lets Me Bring My Geek Out! xD
Well, I Guess That's All For Today! Cya Soon Guys!!

-OPENED- Auditions For A Series XD

Hey Buddiez!!!!!!
How You All Doing?
Sorry For Not Posting For A Really Long TimeCuz Of School :/
Anyway I Wanted To Tell You All That I'm Making A Series Called ''A New Beginning For The Crystal 

So If You Want To Be In It You Have To Watch This Video To Know The Things That You Should Do To Be In It :

                                                  So For More News About The Series
                                                  Better Catch Up With Me XD 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


  . wlecome joeslinegreen and nikki to woozworld buddiez , Im lili on of the bloggers . Hope you the best

Best wishes ,
-lili-max xoxo

 Bye !

New Surprise !

New Surprise!
I decide to help you woozworld buddies to learn FRENCH . I really know bit of it , here is some …

Bonjour   à Good Morning
Comment Ca Va   à How Are You
Salut à Hi
Quel Age as Tu à  How Old Are You
J’ai douze ans à Im twelve years old

About the age I will do a special post for it on French (Numbers) .The post of French only on Sunday and Tuesday.
Hope It Helps You Buddiez .
P.S : Comment for a questions .
   Best wishes Budiez ,


Monday, December 23, 2013

Baublez !

A new thing have been around woozworld since 3 days ago , when you collect first one they give you woozmas tree so you could decorate your tree by the Baublez .

.This called Baublez .

  Baublez are three kinds of colours 

    1.Blue Baublez 
    2.Green Baublez
    3. Red Baublez
    4. Gold Baublez   
 Baublez Colours

Sometimes if you are lucky they give you a win turn as you collect the Baublez . Moreover to get a gift for collecting Baublez go to the Central Plaza
  Central Plaza

Click at the big Boxes that are Blue and Pink .

                                                                                                                             Blue Box
       Pink Box                          

 People was standing there to get the surprise so im not gonna to tell you the surprise i want you to feel somehow excited and guess what it is by yourself . 
  My Reporting Outfit  

Best For Buddiez !

Im Back !

Im sorry for not writing on the blog for months thats all because of school and exams , But im back and im 
gonna post a things every time i got :3 

Mes :D

Best For All :D

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hi guys! I just started blogging and I am a new blogger O . 0 ... 
I have read some of your posts and really wanted to join X)

First of all, I wanted to just show you about my picture contest to Angie and Ishey's Christmas Contest :) :

Please click and woozup xoxo ... <3
If you can't search me, here's the link to my wallz:!wall 

Thank you for reading my post...

Remember to Click and Woozup when you find it! Please also comment and Share on it because I would appreciate your kindness. c';

-Bye bye - Nikki xoxo

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hello my Buddiez I really wanna tell you a scary story.

This girl was walking to her cousins house and a dog started following her so she was like maybe if i give him a piece of meat he'll go away so she threw him a piece of meat and she started jogging the dog started running on its his legs and started chasing her with a grin on his face so she ran into her cousin house locking the door but they left the window opened the dog smiled in the window and they looked away then once they looked back it was gone
Good story huh? share your opinion by commenting
xoxoxo -Tate
Hey guys while i was looking around my woozin i found this
Like thats Really Rude but I was gonna say.. Do u think gray and bys shouldnt have been
created or gray and bys deserve a right
Xoxo ---- Tate

Friday, September 13, 2013

Swag is back !!!! :D

Hi guys its me swagiswhtibreath !!! :D sorry ik i haven't been posting for a while already .. i was kinda busy in real :/ but now ill posting again :D okay so be sure to check my new weekly outfit in sunday :) btw.. im trying to draw some woozens in real and i already succeed :D ill be posting them soon ;) so if u want me to draw u just  send me a message in woozworld and another message at my mail including any picture of you in woozworld
my mail is :
and when i finish the drawing ill sent it back at your mail :)
but make sure that u include your woozworld full name because its needed :D
 okay so bye for now i guess ? XD

 *Your one and only lovely swaggy C: l 

---------- Working in a new sign off since i deleted mine with a mistake sorry DX---------------

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I'm back!

Hey guys,
I'm back from holiday so i will try to post as much as i can
school starts in a week i might not be on often

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My new YouTube

Hi guys,
Now I have a YouTube Chanel it's called jana121 I don't have any videos yet so as soon I come back from holiday i will start making some if you would like to help me massage me on woozworld or email 
P.S.thinking of making a new sign off